Saturday, March 27, 2010

Twin Flame vs. Soul Mate

The concept of soul mates and twin flames intrigues me. I found this post and agree with the message...

We all have several soulmates. We only have one twin flame though....the twin flame is the other half of our spiritual self. Soulmates are people that have been with us for many incarnations---sometimes positively, sometimes negatively, but these are the people that are in your life for a reason and vice versa.

Your twin flame (or other half) may not choose to incarnate at the same time you do. In fact, he or she may be over on the other side. Usually, when Twin Flames reunite, there is a large age difference and unusual circumstances either surrounding them or preventing them from being together altogether. For example, you both might be married. When you find him or her you'll know will communicate without words, you will sense each other even if you're far apart from each other (this can be said about soulmates too) and you will feel as though you can not live without that person---literally. Also, whether or not you can be together is irrelevant in that you have come together to discover something, even if it can only be on a friendship level on this incarnation. You must keep communicating once you have found each other---it really isn't an option. It's frightening, but incredibly wonderful.

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